Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eleven days till the end of 2010... and i'm still good... in a hotel room in Galveston Texas waiting for my next ship, the Carnival Ecstasy, where I've spent most of the year performing. I dont think I'll do many, if any, more Comedy Clubs... I've grown comfortable with cruising and have been out of the club scene for some time now... after this it's back to the boards, (theatre), and cameras.
I'm involved in a relationship I never saw coming... and very happy. She's from Bulgaria... works in Dubai (been there Twice already this year)... and we met in Spain! Doors close and open and I can't be afraid to walk through.
My ex mother in law,Olympia Johnson continues to dishonor her daughters 's memory, as she continues to tear up her family. I miss the kids. Just the thought of that Bitch gives me, what she is... a Lympy Johnson!
My new family... is from Bulgaria and so full of love it's amazing... thank God for Desi, Rally and Tolly... these girls have brought back the zest to my life. I Don't normally share my private life, since so much of my life is shared on stage... but with new life comes new experiences and I've tried not to buck the flow too much... so I'll tell the world... I'm in Love. I'll spend the first month of 2011 in Eastern Europe with my girls... and take it from there. Happy New Year...
Happy New Life.

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